Terry Pratchett is famous for his comedy fantasy series set in a place called Discworld. Discworld is a flat earth that sits on the backs of four giant elephants that stand on the back of a giant turtle that swims through space. Each story is a humorous standalone reflection of something we have in our society, shone back at the audience with wit and Monty Python-style humour. This particular story from Discworld is where Terry Pratchett takes Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Hamlet and some others in between and then turns them up ’till they reach eleven. It’s all there – a wicked duke and duchess, the ghost of the murdered king, dim soldiers, strolling players, and a Land in peril. And who stands between the Kingdom and destruction? Three witches. Granny Weatherwax (intolerant, self-opinionated, powerful), Nanny Ogg (down-to-earth, vulgar), and Magrat Garlick (naïve, fond of occult jewellery and bunnies).