by Dru Bartlett

Hello, all the wonderful theatre people out there who are trying their very best to remain motivated and make events of some kind happen!  WOW! 

What I decided to do was internalise a bit and had this GREAT (?) idea to teach myself how to build miniature sets. So – I purchased a kit!  OMG. There are heaps of them and I have learned a great deal!!!!  If you ‘google/bing/whatever ‘DIY miniature houses’, you will arrive at numerous places to purchase them.

I thought that as potential Director, it would be ACE to learn how to build the set you want with sight lines and prompt space and and and ….. and then hand over to the real set builders so they know what’s required!  The Basin Theatre has had a few amazing people who have gone in with cardboard replicas of the sets they wanted, and it’s been brilliant.

Kit 1 – a study.

Lessons learned

  1. HUGE – If a piece needs to be square on, make sure it happens! Set square essential!
  2. Let the glue work and don’t get impatient (happy to give glue tips)
  3. The instructions will not be complete and will be written by someone who has already made a couple! (Assumptions!)
  4. You need to purchase realllllllly sharp scissors
  5. For clear cutting and straight lines, I don’t recommend two wines
  6. Glue choice is paramount as you will need a glue that gives you a few seconds leeway before it turns to concrete
  7. You don’t have to be 100% with the placement of the books etc and you can play ….

(tea bag in second shot just to show how small the bits are really)

Kit 2. A two level house (really! – I’m a nutter!!!!)

Lessons learned

  1. Stairs are a big wobble poo challenge tween fingers, glue and 90 degree angles and patience
  2. A bit of foam and some small beads can really make it look like a bubble bath
  3. Same as 3 above!

Kit 3. A two-story house with garden!!!!

Kit 4. A three-story house with garden!!!! I am a glutton for punishment.

Budding set designers out there – why not give it a go?